The Standard American Diet (SAD) is lacking in many vital nutritional components. Being primarily composed of prepackaged, convenience foods with few naturally grown food products, this diet has contributed to an epidemic of not only obesity but also extreme nutritional deficiency. While many commercially available vitamin and mineral supplements exist, they are manufactured artificially, reducing bioavailability and promoting chemical contamination. As Americans are not likely to return to eating homegrown food directly from their garden, the solution to the nutritional deficiency of America can be found in Whole Food Supplements, which are vitamin, mineral, and phytonutrient-rich products made from actual food concentrates.
The Problem with the Standard American Diet
In the first part of the 1900s, most Americans ate a healthy, whole-food diet because they had no choice. All food was grown either by the family or obtained from primary local sources. InThe900s was a largely agrarian society with most people living in rural areas and growing their food. During the last century, a massive migration to urban areas has occurred. This has meant that even if one has the desire, most people no
longer can produce self-grown food. Either because there is no land or because many do not know how very few people have a garden and even fewer make protein in dairy products and animal husbandry. Despite this developing migration, families were encouraged to have a “victory garden” during World War II. This was not to ensure that Americans had a great diet but actually to ensure that American families could feed themselves while allowing most commercial food production to be sent to the troops overseas. That was the last period in history that America got most of its nutrition from locally grown food.